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Liquid’s Brand Culture keynotes and workshops drive international Customer Experience conference.

Five thousand miles from Silicon Valley, bounded by the Andes on one side and the Chilean Coast Range on the other, Adolfo Ibáñez University recently hosted the 4th International Congress of Customer Experience Design, and we got an invite to participate. Hosted by our partners at MagiaLiquid, Dennis Hahn, Katie Wignall and Nathan Sundberg headed south to share our latest thinking on Brand Culture and experience strategy.

brand culture makers
At Magia’s offices, we began the week with a “Shiny Monday” breakfast–a ritual of the team’s–sharing an inspirational conversation about creativity, this week it was drawn from the fashion industry. We were struck by the interest and passion of the whole Chilean team from designers to office managers for the presentation and the conversation: everyone had a perspective to bring to the table.

brand culture keynotes
Wednesday and Thursday were the big days. On Wednesday we ran a bilingual workshop at the International Congress of Customer Experience Design exploring how to build a Brand Culture that paves the way for transformation and authenticity. Participants learned how to use define their Onlyness, how to use values to make business decisions, and how to use experience principles to create authentic employee and customer experiences. Then on Thursday, Dennis gave the keynote at the Congress, introducing a diverse international audience to “Creating a circuit of authenticity through a Brand Culture”.

brand culture workshop
Finally, on Friday, together with Fundación Chile and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, we developed a workshop focused on the values of the Circular Economy, where we invited the attendees to design a new company culture that powered the transitioning from their current linear economies to a new circular economy.

brand culture workshop
Five spectacular days sharing ideas, experiences and collaborating on new ways to build Brand Culture (with some amazing food and views sprinkled liberally throughout) went all too quickly, and we’re already counting down to our next southern swing!

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